
Energy production from biomass combined with the capture and storage of carbon dioxide emitted during the conversion of biomass to energy is a key technology (called BECCS) for removing carbon dioxide. It's direct impact on climate has now been assessed using an Earth System Model.

A number of negative emission technologies (NETs) have been proposed to actively remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Enhanced silicate weathering (ESW) - the spreading of rock dust - is a relatively new NET with considerable climate change mitigation potential, which might be even larger than previously suggested due yet unexplored...

To reach the long-term temperature goals of the 2015 Paris Agreement, an active removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and its permanent storage is required - so called negative emissions. This imposes a tremendous global challenge: how can we realize negative emissions at a sufficient scale and pace using technologies that are technically...

The rising atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration leads to a carbon dioxide fertilization effect on plants-that is, increased photosynthetic uptake of carbon dioxide by leaves and enhanced water‐use efficiency (WUE). Using 34‐year satellite observations over tropical and subtropical drylands, we showed that a given amount of soil moisture is...

Daniel S. Goll, Le Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement, France
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